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                        	Hurricane Marketplace
270 Progress Way
Hurricane, WV 25526
  • Wal-Mart has an average traffic count of 2,000-3,000 per day with sales projecting north of 85,000,000.00
  • Hurricane is the ideal location for both families, residents and travelers. Local businesses, hotels and national retailers can all be found in Hurricane whether located in town off Main Street, or conveniently off Interstate 64.


  3 mi. 5 mi. 10 mi.
Population 16,017 27,310 62,615
Avg HH Income ($) 6,412 10,929 25,445
Med HH Income ($) 85,545 85,354 80,905


For Lease
County: Putnam
Type: Retail
Total SF: 31,500
Metro Area: Hurricane, WV

Stacey CaChat
p.  407.576.5239


Hurricane Marketplace

  Coming Available
Available Spaces
B-04 1,400 SF Inline Space, 20 X 70   B-06 1,400 SF Inline Space, 20 X 70
B-07 1,400 SF Inline Space, 20 X 70   C-01 8,000 SF Inline Space, 80 X 100
Current Tenants
A-01 Yoyogi Market 4,000 SF
A-02 Category Five Jiu Jitsu 3,500 SF
B-01 Hurricane Tax Services 1,400 SF
B-02/03 The Boardroom 2,800 SF
B-05 Great Clips 1,400 SF
B-08 GameStop 1,400 SF
B-09 Tobacco & Vape 1,400 SF
B-10 Aria Nails & Salon 1,400 SF
C-02 Rent-A-Center 4,000 SF

Hurricane Marketplace

Hurricane Marketplace


Call Toll Free: (866) 487-4267 or (407) 629-2040